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Attempted Theft from Property

Davenport: 02h30 - Two weeks earlier, resident had washing stolen from the garden with the thief leaving behind his dirty jacket and pants. Last night, resident heard someone jump over the gate into the garden. The intruder remained relatively silent for the first few minutes and when the resident heard a rustling bag, they shouted from the window startling the intruder, who then fled. The resident suspects that it was same man who stole their clothes two weeks previously. ADT arrived within five minutes.

About a week ago, when outside the Spar, the resident noticed two heavily tattoo’ed gangsters giving female clothing to a woman and her husband (one leg) sitting on the corner of Derry and St James - it looked as though it had been stolen as she sifted through the clothes (many of them could have been designer labels). This has also been reported to ADT.

The suspect is a black or colored man, height 5.8”, carrying a large black bag.

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